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De Wiktionary
Ultimo commento: l’é 28 giorni, lasciato da Gat lombard in merito all'argomento Lombard on google translate



I did not know this word. However this is a word that in all or most European languages ​​is imported as is. Therefore the same word is also used in Lombard. Regarding spelling, the dominant tendency is to use the English spelling and use it as a foreign word, then write "Rohingya", however I prefer transliterating it into Lombard spelling by writing "Rohinga" or "Roinga". --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 14:25, 5 Dic 2021 (CET)



"Tausug" must be imported from English by means of the Italian language, its traliteration in Lombard is "Tausugh" -- 15:01, 5 Dic 2021 (CET)

"Maranao" is the same in Lombard --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 15:05, 5 Dic 2021 (CET)

I have updated the main page with this languages --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 15:52, 5 Dic 2021 (CET)



Yes, "maghindanao" (or "magindanao" depending on the spelling used, however "maghindanao" in the spelling tendentially used in the wiktionary) --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 10:30, 6 Dic 2021 (CET)

English pages without content


Pages without content (i.e. without definition) are to be deleted. You have been writing so many English voices without definition. I preferred to complete them rather than delete them as it is more useful for the wikitionary. However if you keep on writing them too fast, the pace is too much for me to follow.--Gat lombart (ciciarade) 12:50, 10 Dic 2021 (CET)

For me it is more important to write new entries in Lombard. However, I am also willing to do the translations you ask me and I would like foreigners to be able to learn Lombard --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 12:54, 10 Dic 2021 (CET)

Situation of Lombard nowadays


I don't know if you know the situation of the Italian regional languages. Currently the situation of the Lombard is very difficult because the Italian state has never taught it at school and only recently someone is trying to create orthographic koinè. Currently the wikipedia in the Lombard language is held up by young people who are committed to writing a language that is spoken only by the elderly especially in the plains. Lombard is currently in worse condition than the southern and eastern Italian regional languages, since in the North West of italy, regional languages ​​are being lost due to immigration. Nonetheless, our wiki projects are among the first amongst the Italian regional languages, but only thanks to the enormous commitment of those who write on wiki projects. We got wiktionary but the effort paid was very high. Our main mission is to keep alive the Lombard language but the resources are few.

For this I thank you first of all for your commitment to Lombard wiktionary and for your interest in the Lombard language.

As I said, however, the precedence goes to Lombard words, because the first problem is to teach Lombard to the Lombards. I can also translate English words but I ask you not to ask me more than 15 a day.

You can find the wiki-code for new pages on this page: Jut:Sintassi_pagine_noeuve ("minga lombard" means "not lombard", Nom = noun, Agetiv=adjective)--Gat lombart (ciciarade) 15:49, 10 Dic 2021 (CET)

So far you have asked me to translate nouns, but verbs can also be done, it would be useful as without verbs it is impossible to build a sentence. --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 15:57, 10 Dic 2021 (CET)

Page for guided creation of new pages


If there isn't yet the article you want to create, you can also create new pages (just for nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs), by writing the new word in one of the boxes below "Nom minga lombard" (for nouns), "Agetiv minga lombard" (for adjectives) and so on (for foreign words) in the page Wikizzionari:Pagina principala/Inseriment and then by clicking on the button "crea" (en)

Se la vos che te voeulet creà la gh'è nananmò, tre podet anca creà di pagine noeuve (domà per nom, agetiv, verb e averbi), cont el scriver la parolla noeuva in voeuna di caselle sota "Nom minga lombard" (per i nom), "Agetiv minga lombard" (for i agetiv) e via inscì (per i parolle foreste) in de la pagina "Wikizzionari:Pagina principala/Inseriment" e poeu a clicà in sul boton "crea" (lmo)--Gat lombart (ciciarade) 19:04, 12 Dic 2021 (CET)



Lombard doesn't have a word for "divination". "Induvinà" has the same meaning of the Italian "indovinare" (that is a verb but in lombard verb may be used also as a noun). --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 11:07, 16 Dic 2021 (CET)

Sal (pronunciations next to the traslation)


You don't have to write the pronunciations alongside the translations. If you want to write the pronunciations, open new pages --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 17:26, 16 Dic 2021 (CET)

Re: Parnonzia cinesa


I have a look at the template.

  • First of all, this work is not among the most important ones to the Lombard wiktionary.
  • In addiction, I saw that the template as it is, on the English language wiktionary, considers Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka and so on as varieties of Chinese, instead on the Lombard wikitionary we are considering them as autonomous languages ​​therefore they must have their own sections. So such a template would not make sense.
  • Finally, the way to indicate the variants on the wiktionary in the Lombard language is different from the way in the English language, so the template and the module should be re-studied, it is a computer scientist's work.

Therefore I conclude that it is too complicated and not very essential and for now not such as to justify efforts to create a template like this on this wiki--Gat lombart (ciciarade) 09:36, 17 Dic 2021 (CET)

Are Gan, Hakka and the others autonomous languages ​​or dialects of Chinese? --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 09:53, 17 Dic 2021 (CET)

@Gat lombart: They could be called topolects, and I figured that the pronunciation template could have categories like "Parolle in gan" or "Parolle in hakka" for example. --Apisite (ciciarade) 14:36, 17 Dic 2021 (CET)



You wrote "pescia" as a translation of pine but it seems to be wrong as "pescia" means "spruce" which is different than "pine". --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 09:57, 20 Dic 2021 (CET)

@Gat lombart: That was your doing actually, but no matter. --Apisite (ciciarade) 14:34, 20 Dic 2021 (CET)



Thank you for the restoration. Yes, I accidentally removed the translation, probably due to a wrong copy and paste, as the pronunciations were also wrong --Gat lombart (ciciarade) 18:48, 23 Dic 2021 (CET)

The wiktionary has been improved (en) El wikizzionari l'è stad mijorad (lmo)


During the last few days of the year, several fixing were made to the wiktionary.

  • First of all, the technical problem that was preventing the modification of the pages by clicking beside the name of the language was solved. This problem was mading more difficult the modification of the articles that includes more languages.
  • The templates nol sl and nol/sl has been introduced. These templates will serve to mark the ortography used in the translations of foreign words. Since on wiktionary both Nex Lombard Ortography and Writing Lombard are accepted, specifying the ortography used in the translations also of the foreign words has been necessary, not to make a jumble of spellings. Now you can use both accepted spellings and mark the ortography for each word.
  • In the wiki code, in lombard language artricles, the template "variant", that tooks the place of ‘’ALTER MANERE DE SCRIVER’’, has been introduced. Than the pages has became more beautiful and homogeneous. (en)

In del cors di ultim dì de l'ann a inn stad fad diversi cavezzament al wikizzionari:

  • Inanz de tut l 'è stad sgiustad el problema tecnich che l'impediva de modeifegà di pagine a clicà de fianch al nom de la lengua. Quell problema chì el rendeva pussee dificil la modifega di vos che gh'aveven denter tante lengue.
  • A inn stad introdot i modei nol sl e nol/sl. Quei modei chì i servissarann de marcà l’ortografia drovada in di traduzzion di parolle foreste. Desgià che in del Wikizzionari tant la Noeuva Ortografia Lombarda 'me la scriver Lombard a inn acetade, a gh’è stad bisogn de specifegà anca in di parolle foreste qual ‘è la grafia drovada in di traduzzion per minga fà su on miscmasc de ortografie. Adess a l'è possibil doperà tucc do i ortografie acetade e marcà la grafia per ciascheduna parolla.
  • In del wiki-codes, a l’è stad introdot in tute i vos in lombard el modell “variant”, che l’ha tolt el post de ‘’ALTER MANERE DE SCRIVER’’. Donca i pagine a inn diventade pussee bei e omogene. (lmo) --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 17:05, 1 Gen 2022 (CET)

Lombard language manual


Hi Spisite, if you are interested in learning Lombard language you can use the wikibook in Italian. As the Italian language is supported by google you can translate it into English with the google translator. This wikibooks was made for native Italian speakers, so some things should be treated differently for native English speakers. If there is something you do not understand you can also ask me, as my mother language is Italian and I am also the main contributor to the wikibook. Hope someone can translate the wikibook into other languages. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 10:08, 4 Feb 2022 (CET)

Banana leaf (leaf)


It is better to put in the locuzzion framework only the word associations whose meaning may be different from that of the union of the single words, or for practicality for some associations of words in Lombard which are often translated with a single word in many foreign languages. I do not know exactly the case of the phrases "banana leaf" and "gold leaf" that you wrote, but I believe that "banana leaf" is not to be written, we certainly cannot write the leaves of all plants. Consider what is best to do as I do not have a thorough knowledge of English --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 13:44, 12 Feb 2022 (CET)

@Gat lombard: Consider the translations of the term "banana leaf" at the English Wiktionary. --Apisite (ciciarade) 13:51, 12 Feb 2022 (CET)
You are right if "banana" in English means only the fruit and not the plant. Is "banana" just the fruit or also the tree? --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 14:21, 12 Feb 2022 (CET)
@Gat lombard: The word "banana" can mean either the plant or its fruit. --Apisite (ciciarade) 14:25, 12 Feb 2022 (CET)
Then we don't need a separate page for banana leaf --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 14:27, 12 Feb 2022 (CET)
The English Wiktionary has what they call "translation hubs" like the entry "dark red" and others. --Apisite (ciciarade) 14:29, 12 Feb 2022 (CET)
Then we can do it in any way, since this has not been regulated on wikt lmo, but in any case it is not a priority for wiktionary. We should regulate it --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 14:36, 12 Feb 2022 (CET)
@Gat lombard: Fair enough. The English Wiktionary's entry for "banana leaf" ought to be added to "Category:English translation hubs" anyway. --Apisite (ciciarade) 14:48, 12 Feb 2022 (CET)
@Gat lombard: The entry "banana leaf" has been added to "Category:English translation hubs" at the English Wiktionary. --Apisite (ciciarade) 14:49, 22 Feb 2022 (CET)

If you are interested in listening to Lombard songs


If you are interested in listening to Lombard music, I can suggest you some songs to listen to. For example, I start to show you this song in Lombard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNA8bJjKhNM. The dialect used in this song is lagher (western Lombard), my dialect is the milanese instead close to the lagher, also belonging to wstern lombard. The text, however, is written in another spelling; I don't know what spelling it is but it seems something similar to Ticinese or Insubric spelling which for now have not been dealt with in the wiktionary.--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 11:51, 12 Mrz 2022 (CET)Respond

Re: "cultura" in Scriver Lombard


Hi, the correct form is "culture", I correct my typo mistake. Thank you --Glz19 (ciciarade) 09:37, 16 Mrz 2022 (CET)Respond

Dialects or languages?


Aren't Calabrian Greek, Cappadocian Greek, Italiot Greek and Mariupolitan Greek dialects of greek instead of autonomous languages? --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 20:56, 3 Lui 2022 (CEST)Respond

Song about saffron (Zafran in lombard)


I point out this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjEgMUcLKSo in Milanese dialect of lombard language, if you like to listen to it, the main word of the song is "zafran" (saffron in English). It tells of a legend about the birth of rice with saffron, a food of Milan (called "Milanese risotto" or "yellow risotto"). Italian Wikipedia also has a page about it https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risotto_alla_milanese. English Wikipedia lacks of this article. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 18:44, 14 Lui 2022 (CEST)Respond



THE faëry forest glimmered
⁠Beneath an ivory moon,
The silver grasses shimmered
⁠Against a faëry tune.

Beneath the silken silence
⁠The crystal branches slept,
And dreaming thro' the dew-fall
⁠The cold white blossoms wept.

El bosch ingermad

El bosch ingermad el sberlusiva
⁠ Sota ona luna d'avoli,
I erbe inarsgentade (i) [1] sberlusiven
⁠Contra ona melodia ingermada.

Sota el silenzi de seda
⁠ (I) hann dormid i ram de cristall,
e in del sognà a travers a la rosada
⁠I fregg fior bianch i hann luciad. (grafia: NOL ; dialet: Ocidental MI-)

  1. this pronoun is usually omitted in the Milanese dialect since a hundred years ago under the influence of Italian but it is still used in the mountainous area of ​​western Lombardy

--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 00:18, 5 oto 2022 (CEST)Respond

I was thinking of a metered and rhymed translation, similar to how Alan Steinle had a poem by Jorge Manrique translated, but at least your literal translation could give one ideas on how to do that. --Apisite (ciciarade) 02:21, 5 oto 2022 (CEST)Respond
@Apisite: Unfortunately, this kind of work takes time, but the Lombard's priorities are different. You should find someone who is fond of poetry to do this.
First of all an important work to do is to make the study of Lombard possible. For example by translating into other languages the book about Lombard ​​that you can find amongst the Italian wikibooks. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 15:00, 5 oto 2022 (CEST)Respond



I'm not able to translate into english these word. Are you able?

(definition 1) add gas (for example to water)
(definition 3) make a person euphoric--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 21:37, 7 nov 2022 (CET)Respond

Lombard lessons


I found in youtube these Lombard lessons https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQATYGxN8Dlx5KSM7gV69KtXBYnXWzQ0f; There's soma translation into English. Unfortunately, they are written in orthography "Writing Lombard" and in an oriental transitional dialect between Cremasco and Cremonese (CrCR) (conversely in the wiktionary there is above all the New Lombard Orthography and the Milanese dialect). However, they can help you get words and learn more of the language. The transformation from one spelling to another is not automatic and unique. But to get an idea of ​​what it can change you can look there--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 13:35, 8 nov 2022 (CET)Respond

Langague without ISO 639 Code


On the wiktionary the addition of words in languages ​​without ISO 639 code is prohibited, so I have removed them from the list. Anyway we are deciding about; I opened a survey. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 13:39, 12 nov 2022 (CET)Respond

@Gat lombard: What about designating the languages without the ISO 639 code as appendix-only languages, like Lingua Franca Nova for example? --Apisite (ciciarade) 22:18, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: tI think it would only get more complicated --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 22:34, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
In any case we will vote on the languages ​​and you can vote for them too, the only problem is that you can't read Lombard. The regulation will stands from tomorrow --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 22:38, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond



Languages ​​without ISO 639 code should be voted on if they do not already have their own wiki or it is not clear that they are dialects of other languages ( Wikizzionari:Lengue_senza_codes_ISO_639, Wikizzionari:Sondagg/Sondagg_del_12_-_11_-_2022_-_11:50)--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 13:58, 27 nov 2022 (CET)Respond



The primary meaning of andà is "to go". unfortunately I am not able to translate all the meanings but I will explain them to you here.--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 10:42, 15 nov 2022 (CET)Respond

  • (definizzion 13-14) when one has completed eight years of age and is on his way to nine years of age in lombard you can say something like "he goes into the eigh (years)" (el va in di vot (ann)) (definizzion 3) and "he goes for the nine years" (el va per i noeuv ann) (definizzion 14)
  • (definition 16) in certain expressions when there is food in the pot and it means "to start or continue to cook"; it can be said popularly
  • (definizzion 17) the verb (andà=to go) is used to say to die
  • (definizion 19) to be able to replace, perform the same function
"A performs the same function as and is able to replace B" can be turned into "A el va per B"
  • (definition 20) (coin/currency) to can be used as payment and must be accepted by law, be legal tender

Are you interested in learning lombard?


Are you interested in learning lombard? --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 23:12, 25 nov 2022 (CET)Respond

@Gat lombard: What could or would the lessons involve? --Apisite (ciciarade) 23:19, 25 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
I might start passing lombardo wikibook to google translator to turn it into english and see what you understand. Then if there are other things to know ask me so we can improve it for native English speakers --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 23:25, 25 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
I am the main contributor to that book --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 23:26, 25 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
For example, there would certainly be something to say that isn't said in that wikibook about the use of basic verbs such as stand, stay, be, go. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 23:28, 25 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
I could pass the pages to the translator and try to put them here somewhere temporarily or directly on wikibooks. So that you can fix them, as a native English speaker--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 23:32, 25 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
@Gat lombard: Would you put the preliminary translation into user-subpages? --Apisite (ciciarade) 07:00, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
Yes I think it's better on a wikibooks user subpage so you can easily move it to its final location. Something like wikibooks:en:User:Apisite/Lombard. Is it possible? --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 11:05, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
Add to the subpage, what you have to add. --Apisite (ciciarade) 11:15, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
@Gat lombard: I forgot to ping you. --Apisite (ciciarade) 11:25, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: I saw on the English wikipedia that there is not an exact translation of the names of the Lombard dialects in English, they have often been taken from Italian, less often from Lombard. How should this be done on the wikibook??--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 11:28, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
@Gat lombard: You may add both Italian and Lombard names of the dialects first. --Apisite (ciciarade) 11:32, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
@Gat lombard: The "Anglicized" names can be later added. --Apisite (ciciarade) 11:33, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: Look at the file File:Dialetti_della_lingua_lombarda.jpg (in italian). I 'll translate just the main titles. Archivi:Dialet_de_la_lengua_lombarda.jpg is the same one in lombard instead. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 11:39, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: I have decided: those that end with -ese I leave them in Italian as it would be like in English in writing, the others in Lombard--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 11:46, 26 nov 2022 (CET)Respond

Newly created pages on Wikibooks


What do you think about the Lombard manual? Are the pages understandable?--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 10:15, 9 des 2022 (CET)Respond

@Gat lombard: So far, I've had no issues understanding the text. --Apisite (ciciarade) 10:20, 9 des 2022 (CET)Respond

I finished the translations


Hi Apisite, I'm stopping here with the translations as all the main pages have been translated. The only one of the main ones not translated is the one about nouns, which explains the plural of nouns, but that is intuitively understandable even in the Lombard language (see here: Apendice:Plural di nom in lombard) The others are mainly lexicon appendices and are not strictly necessary since there is the Wiktionary. The wikibook lacks examples, they could be added as the wikictionary develops if you are interested, by copiyng the examples of the wiktionary. In any case I have no intention to work further on the wikibook. Everything that was reasonably possible for Lombard was done.--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 14:12, 7 gen 2023 (CET)Respond

Statistics say that nobody see the Lombard-language wikibook


Statistics say that, unlike its Italian-language version, nobody goes to see the English-language wikibook about Lombard. This means that currently this work might only be useful to you. Are you still interested in the wikibook about Lombard language? However I 'm going to translate just the main pages.--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 12:00, 19 des 2022 (CET)Respond

@Gat lombard: The lack of visitors may be due to hyperinflation, or anything else, or both. But still, keep translating the book if you can. --Apisite (ciciarade) 14:58, 19 des 2022 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: Did you learn anything about Lombard through the wikibook?--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 15:21, 19 des 2022 (CET)Respond
@Gat lombard: At least the dialectal differences. --Apisite (ciciarade) 15:24, 19 des 2022 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: As for grammar, I think pages of examples are needed. Have you ever tried to understand something about grammar?--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 15:30, 19 des 2022 (CET)Respond

Oil Languages of France


I will not open any survey abut oil languages ​​because there is no one in this community able to discuss it. However anyone can open the survey which will be valid if at least one other person has participated, and the it will not be allowed to be repeated for at least one mounth since its closure. Nowadays we cannot tell if the OIl languages ​​are to be classified as languages ​​or dialects, therefore it is currently not allowed inserting entries for these languages. In any case, if you know another user able to discuss them, you can proceed for approval.--Gat lombard (ciciarade) 16:07, 2 des 2022 (CET)Respond

Automatic translator


We discovered this machine translation tool that uses artificial intelligence. https://chat.openai.com/auth/login
It is necessary to sign in with e-mail and mobile number.
It seems that it translates into Lombard with many mistakes and is not always abel to translate but most of the times he returns the correct meaning. If you use it to translate from Lombard to English it seems to work better.
To make it work you have to write in the bottom bar: traslate from Lombard into English and then write your sentence. I hope it will be useful to you especially for translating definitions. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 21:13, 5 gen 2023 (CET)Respond

For example I tried to use it to translate the definitions of pastizz and it gave me this:

  • "Pastry crust with filling made of some kind of edible material on the inside.
  • (fig.) Result of work done in a confused or disorganized manner.
  • (fig.) Complicated situation difficult to get out of."

We can confirm that it works well enough for translating into your language. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 13:56, 6 gen 2023 (CET)Respond

o / opur


I see you turner "o" into "opur" in the article betray. I point you out that "opur" is just a reinforcing form of "or" used especially when you want to highlight the choice between two things or further highlight that one thing is not compatible with the other. The usage of "opur" is the same of the italian "oppure" (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/oppure#Italian) --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 11:29, 27 gen 2023 (CET)Respond

Is it possible for you to understand written Lombard?


What are the main difficulties you found in understanding what is written in Lombard on the Wiktionary (also by using translation tools)? --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 10:43, 9 des 2023 (CET)Respond

@Gat lombard: I added my best assessment of comprehending written Lombard to my Babel-Box. I wish there were a way for you and other Lombardophones to test me similar to how three American diplomats tested the language skills of YouTuber XiaomaNYC. --Apisite (ciciarade) 11:16, 9 des 2023 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: I can't open the link from my country. However, I know better the written form of Lombard because I have no one in my family who speaks Lombard and I live in a town where Lombard has almost completely disappeared. I'm able to communicate in Lombard but I never speak it and my knowledge of Lombard improves only by writing in wiki projects. Hearing Lombard spoken around me is a thing of the past in my town.
(translation into lombard: Mi podi minga dervì el ligam in del paes. In tute in manere, mi conossi pussee ben la forma parlada del lombard perchè a gh'hoo nissun in la mia famija che 'l parla lombard e stoo de cà in d'ona cità indove el lombard l'è descomparid squas del tut. A son bon de comunicà in lombard ma el parli mai e la mia conoscenza del lombard la mijora domà a scriver [[in] di proget wiki. Sentì parlà lombard intorna a mi a l'è ona roba del temp indree in la mia cità) --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 11:22, 9 des 2023 (CET)Respond
@Gat lombard: My apologies for mistyping the hyperlink. --Apisite (ciciarade) 11:34, 9 des 2023 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: Are you saying that you would like to talk to someone who can speak both English and (western) Lombard? --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 11:45, 9 des 2023 (CET)Respond
@Gat lombard: Even if it's with an interpreter through an online connection, like Zoom, and not in person. --Apisite (ciciarade) 12:00, 9 des 2023 (CET)Respond
@Apisite: In sul Telegram gh'hem on grup che 'l gh'ha dent 100 persone (però a bon cunt quei che ghe scriven a inn ona quai desena) indove el regolament l'è de scriver domà in lombard. Lilinscì magara te trovareet on quaivun. Quest-chì a l'è el ligam t.me/lenguachat. A gh'inn di persone che scriven con di ortografie e dialet diferent, in quant ai ortografie soratut la "Noeuva Ortografia Lombarda" e la "Scriver Lombard". Te gh'heet de trovà on ]quaivun che 'l parla el lombard ocidental e se te voeulet scriver con l'ortografia che mi sont 'dree a drovà adess, te gh'heet de trovà on quavun che 'l scriva con la "Noeuva Ortografia Lombarda". (On Telegram there is a group that has 100 people (but ultimately those who write are a few dozen) where the regulation is to write just in Lombard. Maybe you'll find someone there. This is the link t.me/lenguachat. There are people who write with different spellings and dialects, as for spelling, especially the"New Lombard ortography" and the "Scriver Lombard". You have to find someone who speaks Western Lombard and if you want to write with the spelling I'm using now, you have to find someone who writes with the "New Lombard ortography".) --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 13:47, 9 des 2023 (CET)Respond

Song in milanes dialect


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO5B7ie7WDA This song is in Milanese dialect, you can read the lyrics. It is written in Milanese dialect with classical Milanese ortography. Not all words are in the wikitionary. If you want you can ask me to add them. --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 15:36, 9 des 2023 (CET)Respond

English numerals


I added the English numerals --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 23:30, 15 des 2023 (CET)Respond

Vegetabels and fruits


Hi Apisite , here you will find a list of fruits and vegetables in Italian and in Lombard --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 19:23, 14 masg 2024 (CEST)Respond

Lombard on google translate


Hi Apisite, translations from Lombard are now available on google translate. https://translate.google.it/?sl=auto&tl=lmo&op=translate --Gat lombard (ciciarade) 15:40, 28 sgiu 2024 (CEST)Respond